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Catholic Women Confront Their Church : Stories of Hurt and Hope ebook FB2, DOC, TXT


Catholic Women Confront Their Church tells the stories of nine exceptional women who have chosen to remain Catholic despite their deep disagreements with the institutional church. From Barbara Blaine, founder of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), to Sister Simone Campbell, whose Nuns on the Bus tour for social justice generated national attention, the book highlights women whose stories illustrate not only problems in the church but also the promise of reform. The women profiled span a diverse range of ages, ethnicities, and experiences single and married, lesbian and straight, mothers and sisters. The women profiled share one trait that faith is bigger than the institutional church. The book s Introduction provides readers with an essential overview of the history of women in the church, and the Conclusion looks at the potential for future change. Ideal for anyone who has struggled with the Catholic church s relationship with women, this moving book offers hope.", Catholic Women Confront the Church tells the stories of nine exceptional women who have chosen to remain Catholic despite their deep disagreements with the institutional church. From Barbara Blaine, founder of Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP), to Sister Simone Campbell, whose Nuns on the Bus tour for social justice generated national attention, the book highlights women whose stories illustrate not only problems in the church but also the promise of reform. The women profiled span a diverse range of ages, ethnicities, and experiences single and married, lesbian and straight, mothers and sisters. The women profiled share one trait that faith is bigger than the institutional church. The book s Introduction provides readers with an essential overview of the history of women in the church, and the Conclusion looks at the potential for future change. Ideal for anyone who has struggled with the Catholic church s relationship with women, this moving book offers hope."

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The dogs are both trained and certified as therapy dogs, and the reader gets to come along on some actual visits to people in facilities, and see the profound effect the two dogs have on the people they serve during these sessions.Focusing on the third option, Ratcliffe explores ways in which the rhetorical theories of Virginia Woolf, Mary Daly, and Adrienne Rich may be extrapolated from their Anglo-American feminist texts through examination of the interrelationship between what these authors write and how they write.Investigative journalist Rochelle Jackson asks eight women about their lives with their notorious partners: For the first time, these women finally get the chance to tell their own stories.A fine, subversive book.Bolen has searched the world's mythology, literature, and folklore to find images and names for archetypes in older women.Channeling her poetic sensibilities into a rich, lucid price, Alexander tells a love story that is, itself, a story of loss.The story of Elaine achieving the self-esteem she had always faked.