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Mindfulness for Prolonged Grief : A Guide to Healing after Loss When Depression, Anxiety, and Anger Won't Go Away by Sameet M. Kumar read online DJV, FB2


For most people, grief resolves on its own, given time; but for others, grief can lead to serious psychological problems, such as depression, anxiety, anger, and an intense, inconsolable yearning for a deceased loved one. In Mindfulness for Prolonged Grief, psychologist Sameet Kumar shows readers how to overcome symptoms of prolonged and complicated grief using mindfulness meditation and mindfulness-based practices. This book invites readers to think of grief not as an obstacle, but as a powerful vehicle for growth., If you have lost a loved one suddenly or traumatically, have experienced extreme trauma yourself, or simply cannot process the death of someone dear to you, the pain can be overwhelming. For most people, grief resolves on its own, given time; but for many others, grief can lead to serious psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, anger, and an intense, inconsolable yearning for the deceased. Prolonged or complicated grief is a serious psychological condition that can leave you feeling dazed, stunned, or in shock for months or even years after your loss. Your sorrow does not diminish with time. In fact, it may even increase. No matter how much support you receive from family and friends, you simply cannot get over it. However, there are steps you can take to begin healing. "Mindfulness for Prolonged Grief "offers you real tools for overcoming the painful symptoms of prolonged grief. In the book, you will learn to relieve your pain by maintaining a healthy lifestyle, improving the quality of your sleep, and reconnecting with your life s goals. In addition, you will discover how mindfulness exercises and guided meditations can help you process your grief, manage your intense emotions, and deal with loss without resorting to avoidant behaviors (such as addiction) as coping mechanisms. Loss is an extremely painful part of life, but with help you can build the resilience you need to heal, and use your grief as a powerful vehicle for growth."

Mindfulness for Prolonged Grief : A Guide to Healing after Loss When Depression, Anxiety, and Anger Won't Go Away by Sameet M. Kumar read online book DJV

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