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A Dictionary of Humanitarianismbrings together leading experts, including many of the critical writers whose work led to the establishment of humanitarian studies in the first place. The field of humanitarianism is profoundly characterised by uncertainty, by a constant need to respond with authority to the unpredictable. As such, this title serves as a key resource for all those grappling with the tensions and dilemmas of humanitarian action. In the open-source, largely digital culture that characterises contemporary humanitarianism, a dictionary that simply listed publically available descriptive information has relatively little added value. Instead, what is scarce, and therefore valuable, in contemporary humanitarian debates is authoritative analysis, particularly analysis that attempts to (re)define, rather than merely problematize, the issues at stake. This analysis is provided by A Dictionary of Humanitarianism. A series of concise 5,000 word essays on key topics review recent debates and set out a clear argument about how each topic should now best be understood and defined. A selection of 3,000 word case studies adopt a similar approach. As such, A Dictionary of Humanitarianism not only serves as a valuable introduction to the work of key figures in the literature, but also represents a toolkit for those attempting to get to grips with the life-and-death problems humanitarians face on the ground every day. Critical interrogation of the purpose and practice of humanitarian action has yielded a rich new field of enquiry, humanitarian studies, and many thoughtful books, articles and reports. Now, A Dictionary of Humanitarianismprovides a tour d¹horizon of the current state of the art., Provides definitions, biographies and explanations detailing the key terminology, issues, people and events in the field of humanitarianism, a topic that is increasingly at the forefront of international relations. This dictionary provides information which can be essential to those involved in humanitarianism., This major new title provides definitions, biographies and explanations detailing the key terminology, issues, people and events in the field of humanitarianism, a topic that is increasingly at the forefront of international relations. This Dictionary provides information which will be essential to all those involved in humanitarianism. A Dictionary of Humanitarianism brings together knowledge and insight from a number of different fields, such as political economy, human rights, international law, security studies, anthropology and international relations, and this multi-disciplinary approach provides a unique view of one of the most important subject areas in international relations today. Recent events such as the reconstruction of Iraq are included, making theDictionary up-to-date on the key issues of humanitarianism today. Entries include: Bosnia, Peace Keeping, Conflict Resolution, Security Council, CAFOD, Civil War, Earthquakes, Genocide, Humanitarian Intervention, Just War, Malnutrition, Mdecins Sans Frontires, Oxfam, Terrorism, and The World Bank. This book will prove valuable to journalists and researchers, staff of aid agencies and other charities, reference libraries, students and university or departmental libraries, businesses, government departments, international organizations and research institutes. The book will also provide a useful reference tool for university courses dealing with the topic of humanitarianism. The author of A Dictionary of Humanitarianism is Dr Tim Allen of the London School of Economics, who has written and contributed to many publications on the issues of humanitarianism and international development, including the books Culture and Global Change, Poverty and Development into the 21st Century, and The Media of Conflict - War Reporting and Representations of Ethnic Violence.

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